
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Show Your True Self While in Costume

That's how I feel about Halloween. To be honest, more like on the day after Halloween when it's all half price. 

Halloween is a great time. It starts the very full holiday season of the next 3 months. It's the gateway to winter time, food galore, and the coinciding of the football and basketball seasons. Do you know much about the history of Halloween though? We hear about Thanksgiving and Christmas a lot, but very few people know the roots of this spookier celebration. As many seasonal celebrations, it has roots in multiple historical festivals, often amalgamating as the years go on and cultures mix.

But today it has seemed to lose most of its meaning. Most notoriously, its an excuse for people to dress up in the most revealing outfits possible and try to pull it off as a costume. Two thoughts on this: First, it's nearly winter people! I remember it snowing one year at Halloween. Are we trying to catch pneumonia? Second, while these outfits are very revealing, what are they revealing about who you are? Yes, there is a lot of bare body revealed, but what about character? What are others thinking when they observe your 'sexy' nurse costume? What do you want them to think about you? 

How about this year, trade in sexy for creative. See how original of a costume you can come up with. Do it all with thrift store clothes (Macklemore would be proud). This doesn't mean sacrificing looking attractive or put together well, but I bet you my cauldron of candy that you'll make a much more positive, longer lasting impression on your friends and that crush of yours. 

As always, remember to be safe. Know the people that you'll be hanging out with. Make sure that your parents know where you'll be too. 

Happy Halloween!
Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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