
Pure & Simple History

The Adolescent Sexuality Center at St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Wichita closed following the retirement of natural family planning specialist, Dr. Ruth Taylor. This left a void for abstinence education within the community. Dr. Taylor, along with Mary Easterday, M.Ed., and Lois Theis, R.N., recognized this need and responded by founding Abstinence Education Consultants, Inc.

In it's infancy, the organization primarly provided abstinence education training to teachers for college credit, and conducted classroom and after school abstinence programs.

Abstinence Education Consultants Inc. received a $100,000 federal grant, allowing for program expansion and statewide planning among school principals and superintendents.

A Kansas State Title V Abstinence Grant, requiring a 75 percent match, was awarded to the organization and made renewable for five years. This money funded the creation of a risk elimination program geared toward boys and girls ages 10-17 and their parents.
The organization also founded the Kansas Abstinence Network during this year and became a founding associate of the National Federation for Abstinence Education.

Abstinence Education Consultants Inc., changed its name to Abstinence Education Inc., and adopted the signature logo "Pure & Simple". The new name and logo more accurately reflects the group's mission, supports its marketing efforts, and sets the organization apart from the dozens of other abstinence education programs throughout the nation.

2005 - 2008
A Federal grant was awarded from the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) program through the department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Administration for Children & Families (ACF).

2008 - 2010
A second Federal grant was received from the CBAE program, DHHS/ACF.

The organization's name changed to Pure & Simple Health Education, Inc.