
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Communication Is Key

Communication is key for healthy relationships with your friends and family.  Good communication requires both talking AND listening. 

Did you know that you communicate with others even when you're not talking?  Think about your body language.  How is your posture?  Do you come across as confident, standing straight with your head held high?  Do you look at others directly, making eye contact as you're speaking and when you're listening?  Are you animated, using your hands when you talk?  Do you smile easily?  Do you show your emotions with your words and body language.  Are you communicating effectively?  One way to tell how effectively you get your thoughts across is how others, such as family members and friends, react to your communication with them.  If they frequently don't seem to understand you, take a look at your communication style.  Ask someone you trust for their observations about your communication techniques.  A few minor changes and practice could make a huge difference for healthy relationships!